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Although more than

US High School students wrestle every year, the sport remains misunderstood and underrated. Here are some facts about wrestling:

  • Wrestling is based on self-discipline, hard work, skill, and determination.
  • Wrestling is a non-violent sport. Wrestling is about control rather than violence. The objective in a wrestling match is to outscore one's opponent - not to injure or harm them in any way. Regulations do not tolerate actions intended to cause injury.
  • Wrestling promotes sportsmanship. High school wrestling is perhaps the only sport to actually deduct team points for even minor sportsmanship infractions such as a derogatory comment to an official, or throwing one's headgear in frustration. Wrestlers are not only required to shake hands before and after the match but are expected to shake the hand of their opponent's coach, win or lose before leaving the mat.
  • A wrestling match has the strategy of a game of chess with an unlimited number of constantly changing possibilities. Technique, balance, speed, power, and confidence are all just as important as strength in a wrestling match.

If you have any additional questions, contact Coach Wilson.